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My name is Josh, but I prefer the tag KptKrunch.  I am an avid tabletop gamer with a passion for competition and interesting gameplay mechanics.  I play many familiar tabletop wargames personally and have a large collection of miniatures.  I also love to play video games and collect old and rare games as a way of preserving my childhood.  Hopefully one day my children will grow up on the frustrating difficulty of Megaman 2 like I did.  This will make them men ready for the world able to conquer the tallest of mountains (my wife would strongly argue this point)


In either case I am going to tell you why I started Battlegeddon Games.  I had to move to another state and being as poor as I was (is) I had to pack my tiny car full of my junk and drive there.  This was an 8 hour drive and during this drive I had an epiphany, why dont I design a game.  During this drive the seeds of what is Battlegeddon Games is today were planted.  I began to think about all the creature from fantasy I loved, what was not existent in current games, and what was all too common *cough dwarfs cough elves*.  I began to create new races that captured all of my favorite things in gaming I loved and didn't get to enjoy in my current games.  Summoning, Psionics, robots, werewolves, ninjas, and other underappreciated critters.  I combined them all into the world of Battlegeddon in the game Feyalis.  This was nearly 3 years ago and while that seams like a long time, there have been many challenges.  I work fulltime as a banker and go to school fulltime as well.  I am currently enrolled as a computer animation student with the lofty goal of being able to sculpt my own miniautures.  While I am not fantastic at it I work hard on my skills.  


I am highly motivated and commited to creating a fantasy game universe that is unlike any other.  I spend piles of my own money to make this a reality and I WILL be successful.  I got tired of companies treating their game as a "beer and pretzels" game that ignored the feedback of the community.  Obscure rules and ambiguities only cause arguments that ruin otherwise awesome games.  We all want to win and have a good time simultaneously.  My goal is to create a game where the rules are evolved like the creatures that inhabit the high fantasy universe I have created.  My long term goal is to have a minaiatures line, a tabletop game, and a comic book all telling the stories of my amazing universe.  


I am excited to have you all apart of my this journey and look forward to hearing your feedback.  I am just 1 mind (not a hive mind) and can only do so much, but with you all and the combined IQ of millions of gamers we will make Feyalis the best strategy wargame of all time.  So keep your eyes on the site, because as new things develop they will be posted here first.


Thank you all for your commitment and faith in the mind of an inspired gamer.


My best

Josh Edwards (Kptkrunch)



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