Play Testing Has Begun
We are play testing and finalizing rules for our CCG strategy game designed to replicate table top war gaming.
Skills and Powers
I have been on vacation for a little bit and I took advanatge of the free time I was allotted to try and get some things done. Being...
Kickstarter Progress
It has been a while since I have added a proper update to the page, but fear not I have been hard at work. With the Kickstarter campaign...
Hello 2016!
Now that we have started a fresh new year there is so much to look forward to. Battlegeddon Games has had its best year yet, and we are...
Unit Profiles
I have released the core rules on the site for people to review and give feedback on. I have run into a number of folks who are having a...
Super Duper Pre-Alpha Rules Launched
I started a long time ago writing the rules for a tabletop strategy game because I was very sick of the current games available. While I...
The Resin is Here!
It has taken me a long time to establish all of the partners I need to achieve my ambitions but I finally feel I am there. I recently...
The Why
As much as I love playing Warhammer I hated the rules. I started off playing fun armies with a ton of diversity and gradually gravitated...
Taste the Rules
I have been working on "Feyalis" for a few years now and am getting very close to finally releasing the rules. I have been working with...
Diagram Graphics
So as many of you following me may know I have been working for a long time on a core rule set for my tabletop game "Feyalis". As part...