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We have been stranded on this planet for far too long.  Entombed below the searing desert of Arad we are waiting for our people to rescue us and take this planet and the Feyalis with it.  It has been centuries and we remain sustained in our ship until the day comes.  Until then we project our will onto the world so that we may explore and uncover our own solution to this prison.



Our home is the scorching sands of the Arad Desert and Creeping Sands.  These large wastelands riddled with titanic lakes filled with red hot quicksand are no home for strangers or taravelers.  These wide open spaces are surrounded by rock formations that have been smoothed over by sandwalls and years of erosion.  If you dare travel here be wary because one false move may result in being swalloed by the desert.

Why we fight


We do not prefer to fight, but it is important that the others know  we are not to be triffled with.  With only a handful of us still left in the stasis chambers, we must be diligent in detering intruders.  With our life hanging in the threads of understanding feyalis and its inherent properties, we must do what we can to secure its deposits.  If this requires force and venturing outside our homeland then this is what we must do.  Those in our way will be enslaved and made to fight their own.



We have few allies, but have found a rewarding relationship with the creatures named the Kiwikids.  They are easy to deal with and are loyal to the death.  Most other races are weary of our appearance, and so distrust us regardless of communication.  We would prefer friendly relations with the world as to secure a quicker way to leave this planet, but the stories and myths have poisoned the minds of the people.  The only ones that can be trusted are the creatures of Firat.  They have not been influenced by the other races and posses a calculating logic that allows them to think clearer.



The Zaedulan are the only race we cannot have any relations with.  They cannot be trusted and the danger their Glyphters pose to our home is immense.  If granted sanctuary or allowed close enough to us they could turn the very earth against us.  The others are simply to weary and deceitful to be trusted beyond simple interactions.  Temptation is too strong and they always try to take what they can, when they can.



We landed on this planet long ago as a rogue research team.  There were many of us then, but the planets savage monsters made light work of the majority of our kind.  There is only a handful of us now living out all time in our infinite stasis chambers.  If we had anticipated the strength of the solar winds and affect of the Feyalis before attempting flight from the planet we would not be here.  Now our ship is largely non-functional and acts as a glorified tomb now.  We spend our days projecting our conciseness across the world to act as our eye, ears, and hands.  We conduct experiments; document our findings in the memory sand, and fight to protect ourselves from the others.



The Araditai are a monstrous race that is well over 10” tall and 5” wide at the torso.  They walk on 4 muscular tentacles that end in boney knobs used to either grab the terrain or hold themselves aloft.  The upper body has 2 long tentacles on both sides of the body that end in four smaller dexterous tentacles.  When moving about the tentacles twist together to create a powerful knobby appendage that allows for three-dimensional movement.  While being huge in stature as projections they are even larger naturally.  They make themselves appear smaller to be less conspicuous and to hide easier when needed.  They have dry beige flesh that always appears to be dehydrated or cracked.  Their backs arch up high almost like an inverted hook and the vertebrae protrude from their backs like stumps sticking out of the ground.  Their heads are alien in appearance with several breathing holes on either side of the skull.  Near these breathing holes their eyes are cold and dark, showing no emotion or intent.

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