Our race has survived for thousands of years against the harsh elements and the constant destruction of our homeland. With each year that passes we spread a little more, planting seeds in new lands across the continent. We are constantly being pushed back by those who know of our new footholds, and are forced to remain in where our forces are strong or undetected. Soon we will have our freedom and none will halt our progress.
The lush jungles of Firat is our home. With almost limitless species to seed we grow in strength quietly while the world watches from afar. We stretch far across the continent and have a presence in almost every corner of Revin, but our strength lies here.
why we fight
We are cold and calculating with little need for the tangible things of this world. We the Primarchs understand the value of power and know that to secure our race as the owner of this world we must have more of it than the rest. This means securing the feyalis so we may evolve and aquire power rapidly. Deep within Firat lies untold amounts of feyalis and we fight to keep it ours. The greed of the outside world drives its minions to invade our home and we must fight to protect it or be extinguished.
Allies would be a term used loosley. We do not believe we are understood, nor will we ever be understood. The forest throbs with an intense hatred for outsiders and knows bloodshed to be the only reasoning they all understand. The Araditai know us best and speak with us directly. They have little use for our kind and leave us to do what we will. We treat them with the same regard.
With so many that destroy us for fuel, expansion, and personal enjoyment we have so many we disdain. They crush our young underfoot and slay our elders to build homes for themselves with no regard to the harm they are inflicting. If it wasn't for us the forest would unleash all of its wrath and end all who enter. The worst of them are the Zaedulan and the paranginati. They invade our home without warning and take what they want. They die on sight and thier corpses are left as an example.
We are of one mind and move like a well oiled machine. The primarchs who are the eldest in all of Firat grant us guidance and allow for reasoning. If it were not for the Primarchs there would be no control and we would run rampant attacking any who would enter our forests. We are bloodthirsty beyond reasoning and attack intruders with blinding hatred. Only the wisdom and discipline of the primarchs allows for us to have relations with the other races of Revin.
We come in all forms as we are the jungle incarnate. The "Ritual of Seeding" spreads our life giving genes to the entire world, and those compatible with it join our ranks. Every tree, plant, fungi, moss, or lichen hears the call of the Firata. They wait for thier time to be granted the gift of sentience and yearn to protect thier home. Until then they will lie suspended in stasis as part of our network of eyes.
The Firata have been granted the powerful ability to morph and grow spontaneously. A tangled growth of vines, could coalesce into the form of a man, or a flower petals may conform to apear as a lions mane with a seed with facial features grown into it. They take plant evolution to the next level and are almost limitless in how they could apear. Traditionally when dealing with the other races they prefer to mimic the forms commonly found in thier forests. This is by descision of the primarchs and is an attempt to appear familiar, thus making outsiders more at ease..