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The Cruel and Cunning Darkmane

The Eindal race is an easy going race of social artisans and politicians that enjoy much of the finer things in life. They spend much of thier time developing a trade and resolving things in diplomatic ways. Their biology steers them this way and they shy from violence where they can. This is true for at least for most of the Eindal, but then there are the Darkmanes.

The Darkmanes are a rare breed of the Eindal that are born in small numbers without any real discernable cause. Perhaps 1 in 1000 Eindal births results in the birth of a Darkmane. They are named this way, because unlike their brethren they are born with very dark or black fur. Many of the old stories and superstitions say that the most hateful and angry of Eindal give birth to the Darkamnes. This is a way of releasing generation long grudges, loathing, and pent up rage that has been dormant for too long. This rage is infused in the very fibre of every Darkmane and turns them into hulking savages. The darkmanes while intelligent have an irrisistable urge to fight and incite violence which makes them huge liabilities. At birth it is understood that each darkmane is taken away from its family and sent to the Eindari keep for militarization. Once they reach adulthood and have been conditioned they are given limited freedom to live with others. This is all just to bide time until they are needed, as they are quick to head up the front line at the promise of combat.


The Darkmanes act as a heavy support shock troop unit. Due to thier size and power they run in small packs designed to dole out hideous damage during a charge to units, and heavy damage to Abominations. Because of thier intense anger and tunnel vision while in combat, they are hard to stop and even more difficult to break. They may be equiped with The Darksword and/or Ter Claw.

This piece was done Michael R Schneider like the last one. He has done a great job showcasing the size and ferocity of the Darkmanes. Thank you Michael! Please go check out his other at his portfolio link below.

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