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The Firata is not a basic race consisting of a single race of animals or beings, but more a complex group of creatures brought together by a single cause. The Firata are created when the tainted seed of the Ongal tree fuses with another forest plant. This magical effect that have been evolved over the years from continued exposure to feyalis, and grants life to any plant that embraces it.

Tha Chlorolisk is a large root that sits above the ground and collects its nutrients from the debris that falls on it and from the light its large leaves collect. This large root is home to hundreds of smaller organisms and provides shade for many smaller animals. Once it has been animated by feyalis it turns into a very large dragon like abomination. It's large leaves grow rigid like bones and catch the wind as if they were leathery wings. This allows for them to fly similarly to drakes or flying dinosaurs. Its large thick root like body is comparable to that of a 12 foot iguana. When it is ready to move it pulls its heavy roots from the ground and uses them as legs. These creatures being some of the larger Firata more openly accept the pollentaion due to the many generations of exposure. It is safe to assume that nearly all of them have been converted, and would breed as they are without the Ongal seed.


The Chlorolisk will act as a highly manuverable flank attacker. Its ability to fly and move around the battlefield unmolested will make it one of the primary assets for the Firata race. Unlike its brothers it will not have the same blood thirsty head on attack approach, but will be good at holding back and striking when the time is right. Being one of the oldest Firata has given it a limited wisdom comparable to the primarchs, and will allow it to opperate well without their guidance.

Michael has done a great job adding a ghostly and hauntinh feel to the Chlorolisk. The roots, the moss, and the dark foreboding eyes all are characteristic of the firata. Thanks again Mike for another stellar piece.

Artwork by Michael R Schneider, see his portfolio here

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