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The Araditai live deep within the underground caves that are laced throughout Revin. They have little choice in this matter due to the risk that is posed living anywhere else in the world. Long ago they came as visitors from another planet looking for information on the rare element feyalis. Not only did they find feyalis when they arrived, but also many abominations that posed an unforeseen threat to their survival. During the flight to leave the planet, their ship was damaged by the powerful solar winds that engulf the planet. They crashed into the vast sinking lakes of the Arad desert, and were forever entombed at the bottom of the desert. Being unable to recover their ship, they have made their home here in the scorching sands and freezing catacombs. Over the centuries they have adapted to this life and learned to use all aspects of this environment to their advantage. This is all that protects them from those who would wander into their home seeking to steal their secrets.

Gameplay: Summoning

The Araditai are not a combat oriented race that uses brute strength to win their battles. They have enslaved many over the years and traditionally fight with large numbers of weaker drug addled grunts. This is not enough to win on its own, so they have employed their use of psionics and science to create "Phantoms". The Araditai will smash vials of altered sand at the feet of their foes. The dust that erupts from the vial will work its way into bodies of the enemy, and feed on their brain. This will trigger horrible nightmares and cause the sand from the vial to manifest as the most horrible creature a man can imagine. These phantoms fight until the Araditais enemies believe they have slain the creature.

The artwork was provided by Michael R Scheider. You can check out the my "Party" section to see more about Michaels portfolio.

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