The Nati
There is a place on the continent of Revin where a sea of strangling plants and savanah dwelling denizens carry out thier existence. This vast stretch of land covered in these strangling plants is home to the restless Paranginati. These people live here wandering in packs raiding the border villages as if they were sea faring pirates. Having mastered a relationship with the Strangle grass and the Wohl they move about unmolested. This makes them particularly dangerous and allows them much needed protection from the other races.
These raiding traditions have granted them many enemies among the other races, but have also made them valued mercenaries. The relationships they hold with the other more foregiving clans of each race grant wealth for the Nati and much needed passage through the Parangan plains.

Gameplay Mechanics:
The Nati run in smaller packs and are highly dependent on ambush tactics. They have smaller skirmish units with high hitting power, but lack the ability to sustain in prolonged combat. They need to get in then out quickly. They manage this though a number of skills that protect them from attacks. unit they strike benefits from coordinating units and using movement in unique ways. They are truly the most effective flank and rear attacker!
This is another excellent concept by Michael R Scheider. Please go to the "Party" page and check him out along with the rest of the team. You will not be disappointed!
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