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The Darksphere

This is a location known only to the Eindal. Not just the Eindal but only the highest and eldest of the Legacy Weavers are given its location. This ancient artifact is a mysterious vessel that has been tuned using feyalis and great understanding of specific affinities. The Weavers who take the life essence from people like pulling tinsel out of a Christmas Tree use this machine to store “souls”. Those who have never seen it call it the Darksphere because of the terrible creatures who guard it, the Darksphere guardians. In actuality it pulses with a glow that permeates the room like a fog, leaving patches of light throughout the chamber. Light behaving like it could not any where else in the universe glowing brightly in some spots, while dim in others. It is almost as if the light teleports or phases between dimensions.

The Name for the Artifact is actually the Lightsphere, and the keepers of the sphere only use this name. Nearly every soul that is taken from its body is stored in the Lightsphere regardless of race. This is how the Eindal have become masters of healing, life, and death. These souls are used like a fuel to not only restore life to those that are terminally ill, but also to power the many skeletal constructs that run their cities. What is important to know is that the stone is almost alive. Each of the souls retains a percentage of who it was while it existed in a terrestrial body. The most powerful souls retain the most from who they were. This creates a sort of swirl in the stone as the strongest souls compete for attention with the Weavers who watch the device. It can be seen as the weavers walk past the stone, the swirling in the Lightsphere moves like a cyclone pushing the weaker souls out of the way. They crave the attention of the Weavers and deep down at an instinctual level they know that the weavers hold the key to being placed back in a body. The souls do not understand reason and are more akin to electrical pulses with a mild sentience. They have a purpose and know the weavers can place them where they belong.

The stone was found embedded in a cave wall when the Eindal found it. While the cave itself has been mined out to make room for more a hospitable temple like quarters, the stone and the jagged formation of rock that hold it has remain untouched. The stone itself is in a smaller room that has been finished and adorned with smaller stones that have similar properties to the Lightsphere. These stone are run throughout the temple and labyrinth under the mountain leading into the Spheres chamber. Once outside the Spheres room the cave opens up into a vast hall filled with large statues. These halls are unfinished and lead down many paths that create the labyrinth making it impossible to reach the stone unguided. These statues that fill the hall are the Darksphere guardians. These terrible constructs are made from tens of thousands of bones of slain enemies and dead Eindal, and powered by only the most powerful and intelligent souls. These souls being so powerful they are never able to leave the control of the weaver for they retain their lust and adoration for the weavers attention. They standby ready for war or intruders that may harm the sphere they once called home.

Artwork by Michael R Schneider. More of his work can be seen by checking out his portfolio. A link can be found on the "Team" page.

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