A Landmark Day
It was not that long ago that I would be playing Warhammer or some other game thinking how cool it would be to create my own games. I would imagine what the creatures in the games would do, how they live, who they would fight, and what they looked like. I longed to see them come to life where I could see them up close or even have them in the games I play. It seemed so far away that it was unattainable. I thought to myself "if I started a gaming company, where would I start, and what would I do?” The thought of failure came so many times when I felt like I was not making any progress, or could not afford to make the next steps. I ventured down many paths and learned a lot about myself while trying to make this dream a reality. Today I am rewarded for all my efforts, and for the first time ever I feel as though I know where I need to go and how to get there. I am proud to say that I have received my first retail ready shipment of tabletop gaming miniatures. These miniature are high quality, have great packaging, and are unique amongst all the miniatures available on the market.
I want to thank all the people who have supported me along the way. Doug Dougherty and Amy Donnelly who I met through a question on Yahoo answers have been here every step of the way. They saw a fellow gamer who had a passion for gaming, and selflessly offered to help with the concept art. Without the help of these two incredible people I would not have even the most basic of concepts for the races on Feyalis. In fact the model in the pictures is based on one of the very first concepts Doug drew over 3 years ago! Thank you Doug and Amy for everything.
I also want to thank Tim Barry and Jorge Gonzales who without their incredible talent in modeling I would not have this model at all. Both Tim and Carlos provided great services at prices even I could afford, and worked hard to give me a top quality product. Tim has become a frequent contributor to Battlegeddon Games and has since made other models I will be releasing soon. Thank you Tim for making it affordable for a guy like me to build the people of my universe.
Lastly I want to thank Lugene Miranda, Michael Schneider, and Chris Rallis for the artwork you have given me. You are all very talented artists who have given me your time and consideration. Your color concepts have helped shape the world that I aim to create. Without your help I would not have nearly as much diversity in the artwork I have for Battlegeddon Games.
Even though I have only 100 miniatures right now this is just a stepping stone. All the funds I raise from selling these models will go towards printing new miniatures, getting molds made, and hiring sculptors. So stay tuned as I will be starting my online shop in the coming weeks and you will have your chance to order the Eindal Redeye and be one of the first to support Battlegeddon Games.
Make sure to share this post with everybody you know. We need all the exposure we can get.