The Redeye
The Eindal race has the most mutations of all the civilized races in Revin with the Darkmanes being as prevailent as they are. Beyond the Darkmanes there is an even more dangerous mutation that occurs amongst eindal, the Redeye. While the Darkmanes mutation may occur .1% of all eindal births, the Redeye may be born 1 in every million births. This mutation is the pinacle of evolution and when one is born it is treated as an event of millenia. Unlike the Darkmanes there is no real discernable difference in size from a traditional eindal and they may have any color of fur. It is said the darker the fur the more powerful they become, but hey are so rare it is hard to guage. The major feature that sets the Redeye apart visually is that they have deep red illuminated eyes. This effects come from the fact that this creature is quite litterally a feyalis furnace. The Redeyes blood is so rich in feyalis that like the crystal in its purest form, it glows brilliantly. This effect is strong enough that it shines out from behind the eyes of the Redeye. Not only that, but the Redeye is literally a feyalis furnace and burns so much of the latent feyalis in the atmosphere that affinity users struggle to enact affinity powers near the Redeye. This gives them strength that is insane beyond understanding and allows them to fight Archsists unmolested.
The Redeye will be the most Badass combat unit in the eindal army. These beasts will have great stat lines and boast potent combat skills. Not only will they be able to go toe to toe with most any other melee combatant, they will have some ability to dampen affinity powers activated near them. This will make them very desireable, but at a steep cost.
Artwork by Michael R Schneider. More of his work can be seen by checking out his portfolio. A link can be found on the "Team" page.
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